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The PBClone Windows Library
Version 1.0
PBCwin Copyright (c) 1993 Thomas G. Hanlin III
This is PBCwin, a general-purpose library of 79 routines for
use with Visual Basic for Windows. The PBCwin collection is
copyrighted and may be distributed only under the following
All PBCwin files must be distributed together as a unit.
No files may be altered, added, or deleted from this unit.
You use this library at your own risk. It has been tested by
me on my own computer, but I will not assume any responsibility
for any problems which PBCwin may cause you. If you do run
into a problem, please let me know about it, and I will do my
best to verify and repair it.
It is expected that if you find PBCwin useful, you will
register your copy. You may not use PBCwin routines in
programs intended for sale unless you have registered.
Registration gives you the right to distribute the PBCWIN.DLL
library with your programs. It also gets you the latest
version of PBCwin, complete with full source code (written in
Microsoft C 7.0).
The PBCwin library can be used with any Windows language that
can access DLLs. It is currently documented only for VB/Win,
however. I expect to extend the documentation to cover other
languages in future versions. PBCwin will be expanding greatly
over the course of the next year or so, as I get a better grip
on the idiosyncracies of Windows programming.
If you're familiar with DOS libraries, you'll have no trouble
at all with Windows libraries. There's one important thing to
keep in mind, however. DOS libraries are almost always linked
into your .EXE program and become an integral part of it.
Windows libraries are separate from your program and must be
available to Windows when your program is run. This allows
multiple programs to share the same library code for greater
memory efficiency. It also means you will need to distribute
the PBCWIN.DLL file with your programs that use it (legal only
for registered PBCwin owners), or simply tell people where they
can get a copy of PBCwin to use with your program.
In order to use any of the PBCwin routines in a VB/Win program,
you must place the appropriate declarations in the globals
section of the program. These declarations can be taken
individually or en masse from the PBCWIN.BI text file.
The PBCwinVer function will let you make sure that the version
of PBCWIN.DLL that is being used is, in fact, sufficiently
current as to support the routines your program requires.
Name : BinI (Binary Integer)
This function converts a binary value, passed to it as a
string, to an integer. It stops the conversion on reaching the
end of the string or at the first character that is not a valid
binary digit ("0" or "1").
See also BinL, which returns a long integer value.
Result% = BinI(St$)
St$ binary number, in string form
Result% integer equivalent of binary number
Name : BinL (Binary Long)
This function converts a binary value, passed to it as a
string, to a long integer. It stops the conversion on reaching
the end of the string or at the first character that is not a
valid binary digit ("0" or "1").
See also BinI, which returns an integer value.
Result& = BinL(St$)
St$ binary number, in string form
Result& long integer equivalent of binary number
Name : Bytes2Int (Bytes to Integer)
This function combines two bytes, contained in separate
integers, into a single integer value.
See also HiByte and LoByte, which may be used to reverse the
process, splitting an integer into two bytes.
Result% = Bytes2Int(Lo%, Hi%)
Lo% low, or least significant, byte
Hi% high, or most significant, byte
Result% result of combining bytes into an integer
Name : Checksum (Checksum)
This function calculates an 8-bit checksum for a string. The
result is compatible with Xmodem and Ymodem file transfer
protocols, and can be used as a fast and simple check of data
validity. For more rigorous testing, see CRC16.
Result% = Checksum(St$, Bytes%)
St$ string for which to calculate checksum
Bytes% number of characters for which to calculate checksum
Result% checksum of specified part of string
Name : ComPorts (Comm Ports)
This function returns the number of communications (serial)
ports installed.
Result% = ComPorts()
Result% comm ports (0-3)
Name : CRC16 (CRC, 16-bit)
This function calculates a 16-bit "cyclical redundancy check"
checksum, or CRC, for a string. The result is compatible with
Xmodem and Ymodem file transfer protocols, and can be used as a
check of data validity.
Note that the Xmodem and Ymodem file transfer protocols use a
different byte ordering method than typical of Intel machines.
If you intend to use this function in writing file transfer
protocols, you will need to reverse the byte order to MSB
first, LSB second. This can be accomplished with either
LRotateI or RRotateI with a shift count of 8 (eight), or by
splitting the integer into bytes with LoByte and HiByte, and
swapping the results.
Result% = CRC16(St$, Bytes%)
St$ string for which to calculate CRC
Bytes% number of characters for which to calculate CRC
Result% CRC of specified part of string
Name : DateSq (Date Squeeze)
This function compresses a date into a single integer. This
provides a very efficient storage format for dates ranging from
January 1, 1900 to December 31, 2028.
Uncompression is done with DayUnsq, MonthUnsq, and YearUnsq.
See also TimeSq, which allows you to compress a time value
Note that compressed dates are not in a format that may be
readily used for comparison or date math purposes. If you need
such capabilities, convert the date to a BASIC time/date serial
number first-- see your BASIC manual for details.
If you pass a year of 0-99, it will be translated to 1900-1999
before the compression is done. Depending on your application,
you may wish to assume 0-28 is the same as 2000-2028 instead.
If so, make sure you do an explicit conversion before this
function is called.
Result% = DateSq(MonthNr%, DayNr%, YearNr%)
MonthNr% month number (1-12)
DayNr% day number (1-31)
YearNr% year number (1900-2028)
Result% compressed date
Name : DayUnsq (Day Unsqueeze)
This function returns the day from a compressed date. It works
in conjunction with the DateSq date compression function.
DayNr% = DayUnsq(Number%)
Number% compressed date
DayNr% day number
Name : Floppies (Floppies)
This function returns the number of floppy disk drives
installed, up to two. Although it is possible to have up to
four floppy drives, the PC was designed to expect a maximum of
two, and this routine can't tell if there are more than that.
Result% = Floppies()
Result% floppy drives (0-2)
Name : GetComAddr (Get Comm Address)
This function returns the I/O base port address for a specified
communications (serial) port. If there is no such serial port,
or if the port is in use, a zero will be returned.
Address% = GetComAddr(PortNr%)
PortNr% communications port number (0-3)
Address% I/O base port address for comm port
Name : GetPrtAddr (Get Prt Address)
This function returns the I/O base port address for a specified
printer (parallel) port. If there is no such parallel port, a
zero will be returned.
Address% = GetPrtAddr(PortNr%)
PortNr% printer port number (0-3)
Address% I/O base port address for printer port
Name : GetTick (Get clock Tick)
This function returns the current system time count. The count
is the amount of time after midnight, in (approximately) 1/18th
seconds. This can be used as a fairly high-resolution timer.
DO NOT use this function to write a delay routine! That would
eat precious system time that could be more profitably used by
other programs while your program is idle-- remember, Windows
is a multitasking environment. If you need a delay, use the
SLEEP statement provided by BASIC.
Result& = GetTick()
Result& system timer tick
Name : HiByte (High Byte)
This function returns the high, or most significant, byte of an
See also Bytes2Int, which can be used to reverse the process.
Byte% = HiByte(Number%)
Number% number from which to pick high byte
Byte% high byte of number
Name : HiNybble (High Nybble)
This function returns the high, or most significant, nybble of
a byte.
See also Nybs2Byte, which can be used to reverse the process.
Nybble% = HiNybble(Number%)
Number% byte from which to pick high nybble
Nybble% high nybble of byte
Name : HiWord (High Word)
This function returns the high, or most significant, word of a
long integer.
See also Ints2Long, which can be used to reverse the process.
Word% = HiWord(Number&)
Number& long integer from which to pick high word
Word% high word of long integer
Name : HourUnsq (Hour Unsqueeze)
This function returns the hour from a compressed time. It
works in conjunction with the TimeSq time compression function.
HourNr% = HourUnsq(Number%)
Number% compressed time
HourNr% hour number
Name : Ints2Long (Integers to Long)
This function combines two integers into a single long integer
See also HiWord and LoWord, which may be used to reverse the
process, splitting a long integer into two integers.
Result& = Ints2Long(Lo%, Hi%)
Lo% low, or least significant, word
Hi% high, or most significant, word
Result& result of combining integers into a long
Name : IsAlNum (Is AlphaNumeric)
This function tells you whether a character is alphanumeric,
that is, either a letter of the alphabet or a digit. It
operates on the first character of a string you pass it.
Result% = IsAlNum(St$)
St$ character to test
Result% whether char is alphanumeric (-1 yes, 0 no)
Name : IsAlpha (Is Alphabetic)
This function tells you whether a character is alphabetic. It
operates on the first character of a string you pass it.
Result% = IsAlpha(St$)
St$ character to test
Result% whether char is alphabetic (-1 yes, 0 no)
This function tells you whether a character is a member of the
ASCII character set. It operates on the first character of a
string you pass it.
Result% = IsASCII(St$)
St$ character to test
Result% whether char is ASCII (-1 yes, 0 no)
Name : IsControl (Is Control)
This function tells you whether a character is a control code.
Control codes are considered to be ASCII 0-31 and 127. This
function operates on the first character of a string you pass
Result% = IsControl(St$)
St$ character to test
Result% whether char is a control code (-1 yes, 0 no)
Name : IsDigit (Is Digit)
This function tells you whether a character is a digit. It
operates on the first character of a string you pass it.
Result% = IsDigit(St$)
St$ character to test
Result% whether char is a digit (-1 yes, 0 no)
Name : IsLower (Is Lowercase)
This function tells you whether a character is a lowercase
letter ("a" through "z"). It operates on the first character
of a string you pass it.
Result% = IsLower(St$)
St$ character to test
Result% whether char is lowercase (-1 yes, 0 no)
Name : IsPunct (Is Punctuation)
This function tells you whether a character may be construed as
punctuation. This includes the space and most symbols. This
function operates on the first character of a string you pass
Result% = IsPunct(St$)
St$ character to test
Result% whether char is punctuation (-1 yes, 0 no)
Name : IsSpace (Is Space)
This function tells you whether a character is "white space"
(ASCII 9-13 and 32, including tab, linefeed, formfeed, carriage
return, and space). It operates on the first character of a
string you pass it.
Result% = IsSpace(St$)
St$ character to test
Result% whether char is white space (-1 yes, 0 no)
Name : IsUpper (Is Uppercase)
This function tells you whether a character is an uppercase
letter ("A" through "Z"). It operates on the first character
of a string you pass it.
Result% = IsUpper(St$)
St$ character to test
Result% whether char is uppercase (-1 yes, 0 no)
Name : IsXDigit (Is heX Digit)
This function tells you whether a character is a hexadecimal
digit. This includes 0-9, a-z, and A-Z. This function
operates on the first character of a string you pass it.
Result% = IsXDigit(St$)
St$ character to test
Result% whether char is a hex digit (-1 yes, 0 no)
Name : LoByte (Low Byte)
This function returns the low, or least significant, byte of an
See also Bytes2Int, which can be used to reverse the process.
Byte% = LoByte(Number%)
Number% number from which to pick low byte
Byte% low byte of number
Name : LoNybble (Low Nybble)
This function returns the low, or least significant, nybble of
a byte.
See also Nybs2Byte, which can be used to reverse the process.
Nybble% = LoNybble(Number%)
Number% byte from which to pick low nybble
Nybble% low nybble of byte
Name : LoWord (Low Word)
This function returns the low, or least significant, word of a
long integer.
See also Ints2Long, which can be used to reverse the process.
Word% = LoWord(Number&)
Number& long integer from which to pick low word
Word% low word of long integer
Name : LRotateI (Left Rotate Integer)
This function returns the result of rotating an integer left by
a specified number of bits.
Result% = LRotateI(Number%, Count%)
Number% number to rotate
Count% number of bits by which to rotate
Result% rotated number
Name : LRotateL (Left Rotate Long)
This function returns the result of rotating a long integer
left by a specified number of bits.
Result& = LRotateL(Number&, Count%)
Number& number to rotate
Count% number of bits by which to rotate
Result& rotated number
Name : LShiftI (Left Shift Integer)
This function returns the result of shifting an integer left by
a specified number of bits.
Result% = LShiftI(Number%, Count%)
Number% number to shift
Count% number of bits by which to shift
Result% shifted number
Name : LShiftL (Left Shift Long)
This function returns the result of shifting a long integer
left by a specified number of bits.
Result& = LShiftL(Number&, Count%)
Number& number to shift
Count% number of bits by which to shift
Result& shifted number
Name : MaxD (Maximum Double-precision)
This function returns the larger of two double-precision
Result# = MaxD(Nr1#, Nr2#)
Nr1# first number
Nr2# second number
Result# larger of the two numbers
Name : MaxI (Maximum Integer)
This function returns the larger of two integers.
Result% = MaxI(Nr1%, Nr2%)
Nr1% first number
Nr2% second number
Result% larger of the two numbers
Name : MaxL (Maximum Long)
This function returns the larger of two long integers.
Result& = MaxL(Nr1&, Nr2&)
Nr1& first number
Nr2& second number
Result& larger of the two numbers
Name : MaxS (Maximum Single-precision)
This function returns the larger of two single-precision
Result! = MaxS(Nr1!, Nr2!)
Nr1! first number
Nr2! second number
Result! larger of the two numbers
Name : MinD (Minimum Double-precision)
This function returns the smaller of two double-precision
Result# = MinD(Nr1#, Nr2#)
Nr1# first number
Nr2# second number
Result# smaller of the two numbers
Name : MinI (Minimum Integer)
This function returns the smaller of two integers.
Result% = MinI(Nr1%, Nr2%)
Nr1% first number
Nr2% second number
Result% smaller of the two numbers
Name : MinL (Minimum Long)
This function returns the smaller of two long integers.
Result& = MinL(Nr1&, Nr2&)
Nr1& first number
Nr2& second number
Result& smaller of the two numbers
Name : MinS (Minimum Single-precision)
This function returns the smaller of two single-precision
Result! = MinS(Nr1!, Nr2!)
Nr1! first number
Nr2! second number
Result! smaller of the two numbers
Name : MinuteUnsq (Minute Unsqueeze)
This function returns the minute from a compressed time. It
works in conjunction with the TimeSq time compression function.
MinuteNr% = MinuteUnsq(Number%)
Number% compressed time
MinuteNr% minute number
Name : MonthUnsq (Month Unsqueeze)
This function returns the month from a compressed date. It
works in conjunction with the DateSq date compression function.
MonthNr% = MonthUnsq(Number%)
Number% compressed date
MonthNr% month number
Name : Nybs2Byte (Nybbles to Byte)
This function combines two nybbles into a single byte value.
Since BASIC supports neither byte nor nybble data types, the
values are all kept in integers.
See also HiNybble and LoNybble, which may be used to reverse
the process, splitting a byte into two nybbles.
Result% = Nybs2Byte(Lo%, Hi%)
Lo% low, or least significant, nybble
Hi% high, or most significant, nybble
Result% result of combining nybbles into a byte
Name : Odd (Odd)
This function tells you whether an integer is an odd number.
Result% = Odd(Number%)
Number% number to test
Result% whether number is odd (-1 yes, 0 no)
Name : OddL (Odd Long)
This function tells you whether a long integer is an odd number.
Result% = OddL(Number&)
Number& number to test
Result% whether number is odd (-1 yes, 0 no)
Name : PBCwinVer (PBCwin Version)
This function returns the version of PBCwin available. You can
use this to make sure the PBCWIN.DLL being used is sufficiently
current to handle the routines you need. Don't check the exact
version number, since it should be ok for the user to have a
newer version of PBCwin than your program expects. Instead,
make sure that the returned version number is greater than or
equal to the version you expect.
The version number is multiplied by 100 so it can be returned
as an integer. For example, PBCwin v1.0 returns a result of
100 here. PBCwin v1.1 will return 110, and so on.
Version% = PBCwinVer()
Version% PBCWIN.DLL version times 100
Name : PeekB (Peek Byte)
This routine gets a byte from a specified memory location. The
memory location is specified as a pointer, which is a combined
segment and offset value. The VarPtr function can be used to
get a pointer to a variable. If you want to create a pointer
to an address for which you know the segment and offset, you
can use the Ints2Long function to do so, by loading the segment
into the high word and offset into the low word.
Nr% = PeekB(Ptr&)
Ptr& far pointer
Nr% byte retrieved from memory
Name : PeekI (Peek Integer)
This routine gets an integer from a specified memory location.
The memory location is specified as a pointer, which is a
combined segment and offset value. The VarPtr function can be
used to get a pointer to a variable. If you want to create a
pointer to an address for which you know the segment and
offset, you can use the Ints2Long function to do so, by loading
the segment into the high word and offset into the low word.
Nr% = PeekI(Ptr&)
Ptr& far pointer
Nr% integer retrieved from memory
Name : PeekL (Peek Long)
This routine gets a long integer from a specified memory
location. The memory location is specified as a pointer, which
is a combined segment and offset value. The VarPtr function
can be used to get a pointer to a variable. If you want to
create a pointer to an address for which you know the segment
and offset, you can use the Ints2Long function to do so, by
loading the segment into the high word and offset into the low
Nr& = PeekL(Ptr&)
Ptr& far pointer
Nr& long integer retrieved from memory
Name : PokeB (Poke Byte)
This routine pokes a byte into a specified memory location. The
memory location is specified as a pointer, which is a combined
segment and offset value. The VarPtr function can be used to
get a pointer to a variable. If you want to create a pointer
to an address for which you know the segment and offset, you
can use the Ints2Long function to do so, by loading the segment
into the high word and offset into the low word.
PokeB Ptr&, Nr%
Ptr& far pointer
Nr% byte to place in memory at the pointer location
Name : PokeI (Poke Integer)
This routine pokes an integer into a specified memory location.
The memory location is specified as a pointer, which is a
combined segment and offset value. The VarPtr function can be
used to get a pointer to a variable. If you want to create a
pointer to an address for which you know the segment and
offset, you can use the Ints2Long function to do so, by loading
the segment into the high word and offset into the low word.
PokeI Ptr&, Nr%
Ptr& far pointer
Nr% integer to place in memory at the pointer location
Name : PokeL (Poke Long)
This routine pokes a long integer into a specified memory
location. The memory location is specified as a pointer, which
is a combined segment and offset value. The VarPtr function
can be used to get a pointer to a variable. If you want to
create a pointer to an address for which you know the segment
and offset, you can use the Ints2Long function to do so, by
loading the segment into the high word and offset into the low
PokeL Ptr&, Nr&
Ptr& far pointer
Nr% long integer to place in memory at the pointer posn
Name : Power2I (Power of 2, Integer)
This function returns the result of raising 2 (two) to the
specified power. It's much faster than using the
floating-point raise-to-power operator in BASIC, and is
especially handy for bit twiddling.
Result% = Power2I(Power%)
Power% power to which to raise two
Result% two to the specified power
Name : Power2L (Power of 2, Long)
This function returns the result of raising 2 (two) to the
specified power. It's much faster than using the
floating-point raise-to-power operator in BASIC, and is
especially handy for bit twiddling.
Result& = Power2L(Power%)
Power% power to which to raise two
Result& two to the specified power
Name : PrtPorts (Printer Ports)
This function returns the number of printer (parallel) ports
Result% = PrtPorts()
Result% printer ports (0-3)
Name : PtrMatD (Pointer Matrix Double-precision)
This routine initializes each element of a double-precision
array to an increasingly large value. The value starts at a
specified beginning and is incremented by one for each
subsequent element.
PtrMatD VarPtr(Array#(FirstElem)), Elements%, InitValue#
Array#(FirstElem) first element of array to initialize
Elements% number of elements to initialize
InitValue# value to which to init first array element
Array#(FirstElem thru FirstElem + Elements% - 1) initialized
Name : PtrMatI (Pointer Matrix Integer)
This routine initializes each element of an integer array to an
increasingly large value. The value starts at a specified
beginning and is incremented by one for each subsequent element.
PtrMatI VarPtr(Array%(FirstElem)), Elements%, InitValue%
Array%(FirstElem) first element of array to initialize
Elements% number of elements to initialize
InitValue% value to which to init first array element
Array%(FirstElem thru FirstElem + Elements% - 1) initialized
Name : PtrMatL (Pointer Matrix Long)
This routine initializes each element of a long integer array
to an increasingly large value. The value starts at a
specified beginning and is incremented by one for each
subsequent element.
PtrMatL VarPtr(Array&(FirstElem)), Elements%, InitValue&
Array&(FirstElem) first element of array to initialize
Elements% number of elements to initialize
InitValue& value to which to init first array element
Array&(FirstElem thru FirstElem + Elements% - 1) initialized
Name : PtrMatS (Pointer Matrix Single-precision)
This routine initializes each element of a single-precision
array to an increasingly large value. The value starts at a
specified beginning and is incremented by one for each
subsequent element.
PtrMatS VarPtr(Array!(FirstElem)), Elements%, InitValue!
Array!(FirstElem) first element of array to initialize
Elements% number of elements to initialize
InitValue! value to which to init first array element
Array!(FirstElem thru FirstElem + Elements% - 1) initialized
Name : RRotateI (Right Rotate Integer)
This function returns the result of rotating an integer right
by a specified number of bits.
Result% = RRotateI(Number%, Count%)
Number% number to rotate
Count% number of bits by which to rotate
Result% rotated number
Name : RRotateL (Right Rotate Long)
This function returns the result of rotating a long integer
right by a specified number of bits.
Result& = RRotateL(Number&, Count%)
Number& number to rotate
Count% number of bits by which to rotate
Result& rotated number
Name : RShiftI (Right Shift Integer)
This function returns the result of shifting an integer right
by a specified number of bits.
Result% = RShiftI(Number%, Count%)
Number% number to shift
Count% number of bits by which to shift
Result% shifted number
Name : RShiftL (Right Shift Long)
This function returns the result of shifting a long integer
right by a specified number of bits.
Result& = RShiftL(Number&, Count%)
Number& number to shift
Count% number of bits by which to shift
Result& shifted number
Name : SecondUnsq (Second Unsqueeze)
This function returns the second from a compressed time. It
works in conjunction with the TimeSq time compression function.
Note that the second value will always be even, due to the
limited amount of information that can be squeezed into an
SecondNr% = SecondUnsq(Number%)
Number% compressed time
SecondNr% second number
Name : SetMatC (Set Matrix Currency)
This routine initializes each element of a currency array to a
specified value.
SetMatC VarPtr(Array@(FirstElem)), Elements%, Value@
Array@(FirstElem) first element of array to initialize
Elements% number of elements to initialize
Value@ value to which to initialize array
Array@(FirstElem thru FirstElem + Elements% - 1) initialized
Name : SetMatD (Set Matrix Double-precision)
This routine initializes each element of a double-precision
array to a specified value.
SetMatD VarPtr(Array#(FirstElem)), Elements%, Value#
Array#(FirstElem) first element of array to initialize
Elements% number of elements to initialize
Value# value to which to initialize array
Array#(FirstElem thru FirstElem + Elements% - 1) initialized
Name : SetMatI (Set Matrix Integer)
This routine initializes each element of an integer array to a
specified value.
SetMatI VarPtr(Array%(FirstElem)), Elements%, Value%
Array%(FirstElem) first element of array to initialize
Elements% number of elements to initialize
Value% value to which to initialize array
Array%(FirstElem thru FirstElem + Elements% - 1) initialized
Name : SetMatL (Set Matrix Long)
This routine initializes each element of a long integer array
to a specified value.
SetMatL VarPtr(Array&(FirstElem)), Elements%, Value&
Array&(FirstElem) first element of array to initialize
Elements% number of elements to initialize
Value& value to which to initialize array
Array&(FirstElem thru FirstElem + Elements% - 1) initialized
Name : SetMatS (Set Matrix Single-precision)
This routine initializes each element of a single-precision
array to a specified value.
SetMatS VarPtr(Array!(FirstElem)), Elements%, Value!
Array!(FirstElem) first element of array to initialize
Elements% number of elements to initialize
Value! value to which to initialize array
Array!(FirstElem thru FirstElem + Elements% - 1) initialized
Name : SwapC (Swap Currency)
This routine swaps two currency values.
SwapC Number1@, Number2@
Number1@ first number
Number2@ second number
Number1@ former second number
Number2@ former first number
Name : SwapD (Swap Double-precision)
This routine swaps two double-precision numbers.
SwapD Number1#, Number2#
Number1# first number
Number2# second number
Number1# former second number
Number2# former first number
Name : SwapI (Swap Integer)
This routine swaps two integers.
SwapI Number1%, Number2%
Number1% first number
Number2% second number
Number1% former second number
Number2% former first number
Name : SwapL (Swap Long)
This routine swaps two long integers.
SwapL Number1&, Number2&
Number1& first number
Number2& second number
Number1& former second number
Number2& former first number
Name : SwapS (Swap Single-precision)
This routine swaps two single-precision numbers.
SwapS Number1!, Number2!
Number1! first number
Number2! second number
Number1! former second number
Number2! former first number
Name : TimeSq (Time Squeeze)
This function compresses a time into a single integer. This
provides a very efficient storage format. Note, however, that
an integer is not quite large enough to store an exact time--
the seconds value, if odd, will be rounded down to the next
closest even number.
Uncompression is done with HourUnsq, MinuteUnsq, and
SecondUnsq. See also DateSq, which allows you to compress a
date value similarly.
Note that compressed times are not in a format that may be
readily used for comparison or time math purposes. If you need
such capabilities, convert the time to a BASIC time/date serial
number first-- see your BASIC manual for details.
Result% = TimeSq(HourNr%, MinuteNr%, SecondNr%)
HourNr% hour number (0-23)
MinuteNr% minute number (0-59)
SecondNr% second number (0-59; see note on truncation)
Result% compressed time
Name : VarPtr (Variable Pointer)
This function returns a far pointer to a variable. It works
with any variable type except BASIC strings, which are stored
in an unusual format. This function is required for passing
arrays to the PBCwin routines which take arrays as parameters.
It has not been tested with VB/Win 2.0 arrays, and is likely
not to work with such arrays if they're over 64k bytes. Since
BASIC arrays may move in memory, it is advised that you get the
pointer to an array just before using it, to minimize the risk
of accessing the wrong area of memory.
This function can also be used to provide a pointer for use
with the various Peek_ and Poke_ routines in PBCwin.
Note that the PBCwin function, VarPtr, is not identical to the
DOS BASIC function, VARPTR. It returns an absolute address
consisting of both segment and offset, rather than merely an
offset value.
Ptr& = VarPtr(Vbl)
Vbl variable for which to get a pointer
Ptr& far pointer to variable
Name : YearUnsq (Year Unsqueeze)
This function returns the year from a compressed date. It
works in conjunction with the DateSq date compression function.
YearNr% = YearUnsq(Number%)
Number% compressed date
YearNr% year number